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U-LINK Platform



Many international students hope to get a job in Korea, but respond that it was difficult due to a "lack of job information," and "difficulty in communication."
(*Source: Daejeon Institute of Science & Technology for Enterprise & People, 2022, demand survey for support policy for innovative human resources from among Daejeon foreigners in the sciences and technology)
Intentions on Settling
International students 1-46.83%, 2-11.71%, 3-17.56%, 4-0.49%, 5-23.41%
Plan to find a job in Korea
  1. 1Plan to find a job in Daejeon
  2. 2Plan to start a business in Daejeon
  3. 3Plan to find a job in other parts of Korea
  4. 4Plan to start a business in other parts of Korea
  5. 5No plan to find a job or start a business in Korea
Barriers to employment
Number of cases (1st), Number of cases (2nd), Descriptive replies
  1. 1Because of my qualification for staying
  2. 2Difficulty in communication
  3. 3Lack of job information
  4. 4Lack of jobs for foreigners
  5. 5Absence of someone who can help
  6. 6Lack of work experience in Korea
  7. 7Prejudice against foreigners
  8. 8Experience in home country is not recognized
  9. 9Absence of foreign job support programs
  10. 10No difficulties
  11. 11Other and no reply
“The U-Link platform is a ‘employment/recruitment support platform for outstanding international science and technology masters and doctors’ created with the support from the Ministry of Science and ICT to solve these difficulties."
  • You can post your CV at any time.
  • You can check out the hiring information of companies that would like to hire international students and apply to them. (Integrated information provided by major job platforms such as Saramin, Jobkorea, and HiBrain.net)
U-LINK Exclusive
You can search for information on companies seeking international talents that can only be found on U-LINK.
UST Exclusive
For UST students, the process of entering information is simpler because it is linked to integrated member information of the UST Portal site.
FAST-TRACK Exclusive
There is a separate talent hall for FAST-TRACK visa holders(F-2-7S Visa), so you can be exposed to companies in more diverse ways.
  • Companies can register job information at any time.
  • Companies can search international student information and request them to apply.
  • Companies can shorten the time and costs for various administrative procedure such as making interview offers and visa-related process.