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U-LINK Platform

Homepage Guide

Sign in

The U-LINK platform is divided into Student members and Companies members.``

Membership registration procedures differ according to the categories below, so please select the type of membership registration that applies to you.``

  1. Members category icon``STEP.01 Members category``
  2. User Agreement and Privacy Policy icon``STEP.02 User Agreement and Privacy Policy``
  3. Identification icon``STEP.03 Identification``
  4. Enter member information icon``STEP.04 Enter member information``
  5. Membership registration completed icon``STEP.05 Membership registration completed``
UST Members

The ID is your Student ID or Staff ID and applies the same at all UST sites.``

Authenticate with UST ID/password to register.``


Personal information and resume management of companies that suit me and various personal services are available.``

You can become a member only after verifying your identity (mobile phone).``


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